06 mayo 2012

How to become happier

The Happiness Project is about Gretchen Rubin, the writer, and her trip to achieve the highest level of happiness possible. Rubin sets resolutions for each month and works her hardest to make sure she achieves all of the resolutions. At the end of the year, she puts all resolutions to practice and ultimately does become happier.

Light-hearted and easy book to read though, in my opinion, finding happiness is much more complicated than that. Anyway, here I include some of the quotations that made me think.

"The days are long, but the years are short”
“Do good, feel good; feel good, do good”
”Happiness comes not from having more, not from having less, but from wanting what you have”
“It’s easy to be heavy: hard to be light” G.K. Chesterton.
“Take time to be silly”
“Give thanks for the ordinary and for the extraordinary”

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